Enrichment- Essay

Aila Racel Dinapo

     As millenials, we mainly rely on the internet to access and gain information. If we needed answers for our projects or assignments, our go-to is always Google, and sometimes we seek response in Wikipedia, Online Encyclopedia, and other websites. We also download specific applications in our phone, tablet, or laptop that may help us in getting specific data. But the most reliable source of information are published books which we can purchase in bookstores.
     When using search engines like Google, there are always a lot of websites that pop out whenever we search for something. But I always choose those official websites of news stations, and sometimes Wikipedia. And I also make sure that my sources of information are reliable and efficient, like books and published journals or newspapers.

Ilysa Audiencia

Having social media that is accessible. People's needs are easily broadcasted, shared and easily responded according to their respective needs. Providers may conduct a survey, summarization of the main used things, and by observing their by behavior. Through this providers can now offer information that is suitable for the people's needs.
Despite the fact that sources are different but the information still focuses on the same topic. Almost the major information are altered. Sometimes added or subtracted. Choosing the reliable information is a very critical work. First one must look for facts in different sources. Differentiate the other articles for consistency. Check the purpose and the author's point of view. And lastly check for related advertisements.

Trixia Mae Francisco

Millennial are exposed to social media where they get many information in many different sources. We all need information that is very reliable especially when it comes to our needs. People that are sources of information finds information that will help people since they believe that everyone needs information can help them a lot. Information sources people do some researches that aims to know what most people need and gather and share information related to their needs which answers the needs of people
Information comes in different sources but still talks about the same thing but may be altered depending on the biases. An information literate individual knows what information should be chosen. it is true that choosing the right information is a bunch of work. to make sure you get a legit information you must evaluate the information, first look for the facts and check the consistency of the information in different sources. check the author's purpose and point of view to determine its biases lastly check for the related advertisement.

Michael Biliran

People nowadays are very reliable to technology. Like us students, we increasingly need internet everyday as our daily information lies on the intricate pages of the World Wide Web. Some of us are Information Literate Individuals who knows how to filter out the information needed to be searched and evaluated. We generally use internet to surf into the net, visiting sites like Google to mainly search for those answers. There are also applications that can be downloaded. They’re sometimes works of other people and let other people use it to obtain information. Books that are print media are examples also of very accurate mediums to get information easily.

As information lurks around all corners and walls of the internet, they usually confuse people in terms of some basic information found in the main information itself like date the information is retrieved, specific amount or number of specific items or people included in the information, and such. We people who’re trying to get the best and most accurate information are doing massive researches and thorough inspection of all information of a topic displayed in different websites and media types. They’re filtered out slowly to detect any errors in information. We usually search for websites that are inclined in reporting and posting information online because these websites are official websites and the information is guaranteed true, displaying trust to the readers.

Andrea Limbaga

We gather information everyday and its essential in our daily life that we cannot complete our day without gaining information from several people around us. How do people find information that matches my needs? All we need is what we want, but not all we want is what we need. If we are in need of something, surely you are going to ask people to inform you so you can gain information and be aware. How? They will give the information from the reliable source related on your needs. For example, me as a student needs information about educational things because that is what we needed. The people I will approach to get information is the Teacher, because they are our educators who has more information and knowledge than us students. All the information they give are also from the people who also educates them and so on.
You will get the information that people believes and because it is legit. Even though there are different sources with the same issue or topic, there is a possibility that the topic will change and there are additions and revisions as the information passes over in every source to another. Get the information from the most reliable source and it is shown in some medias to know that the information is true and its not a made-up story.

Samerah Sabejon

Information are everywhere, as long as people are curious about some sort of things, As long as there are issues and events happen in our community, as long as people wants to educate themselves to create new technologies that can make people living easier. We gather information because we want to share it with other people by the help of different types of media such as print, broadcast, and new media. In finding the information, we need to become an individual literate. but, why? how? Because all of us need to be responsible in our actions, all of us must know how to evaluate if the information we get is acceptable or not. We need to be smart in choosing the information from the wide variety of sources.

As we search for the things that we want to learn from the internet, there are a lot of sources appear providing different details, interpretations, and ideas that maybe wrong or right. To determine whether the source is a credible source or not check its authority if he or she has an authority as a source of that specific information, and check the accuracy, liability and the value of the information, and look for the other sources if you have a doubt about the information and its source.

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