
Aila Dinapo

The Media plays a big role in the dissemination of information. Mass Medias like television and radios have been with us long enough to influence our personality, hobbies, and background knowledge about the issues of the world.

            Even without technology, media can still exist in the form of newspapers, books, and letters. Even without the influence of gadgets, information can still be spread. This proves the power of information and media. The truth is, we need information and updates about the issues of the world, in order for us to be aware about what happened, what is happening, and what will happen in our environment. And this can be spread easily with the use of media.

            But nowadays, information can be passed around within a speed of light through the internet. As a matter of fact, the news that are coming from the internet are more updated and recent than those in television and in the radio. This is because all people can access the internet, and they can post or update whatever news they like whenever they desire.

            The media can also be a platform for communication. Through social media, people can communicate and reach out to other people with ease. Families outside the country can be updated and shared information through chat, call, messaging, etc. In a way, communication with other people can also be a means of passing information.

            Although the internet is of great help for the development of communication as well as dissemination of information, some of its contents are not likely innocent. For instance, pornography can be accessed by most people that even children who are curious enough can watch inappropriate videos. There is also little to no control about the censorship of information in the internet, and as a result, many people nowadays post opinions about some issues with no knowledge about it at all. They just sprout and spread nonsense and untrue information all over. Cases like cyber bullying, phishing, and trolling are also found in the World Wide Web, and because of these cases, lives of most people are affected.

            This is why people must be educated and informed about proper use of internet. Establishing netiquettes could be helpful in informing people about what to do and what not to do when you’re using websites where other people could see. The government should also be aware about the power the media holds, and can also enforce a law about the Web, so the disadvantages could be lessened.

            Most importantly, we should remember that the people cannot use the internet without knowing how to do technical things first, meaning the people using the internet are supposed to be educated people with proper morals. We should know the proper way to handle ourselves in the internet, and how to properly disseminate information which are factual and reliable.

Ilysa Audiencia

Definitely media has a very big influence in almost everything today. The use of media grew rapidly as years goes by, and became wide spread throughout the globe. Netizens became dependent enough that gave media the power to change many things in our lives. Just like the power over management, the power over influences, and the power over Information dissemination. Now, media and information correlates with each other. Media transports, converts, and interprets the information for the users to easily access. And Information codes, enhances, and and gives a meaning to the media to enhance and innovate the current face of media to meet the expectations and wants of the users.

Information dissemination is made possible through the use of media. And media is able to get information from the netizens. Or the other way around, having media to provide the information. By this logical information exchange, we cannot blame the media solely for all the damages it caused to the users since the netizens also plays a big role in this information exchange. It was the netizens that gave media the power to control other people. And now the effects are directed towards the users. One wrong doing of others can have a big effect towards you or another user. The effects may be positive, negative, or sometimes both. The effects that the users experience only reflects their way of using media in information dissemination. If the user experiences positive effects it must be caused by proper and responsible usage of information and media. And if the user experiences negative effects it must be caused by unethical and irresponsible usage of media and information. Despite the consequences we experience still the netizens continue to follow their wrong habits in disseminating the information. Though there are some who follows the right netiquettes but they refused to inform other users the right protocol to follow. Now the authorities who deals the concerns of the people, following the netiquettes or not are having a hard time to educate other users.

The effects of improper usage of media and information takes form of cyber crime, just like hacking, cyber bullying, and phishing. The authorities are highly alerted to these kind of activities since the number of victims increases together with the rise of the new technology. Being part of the exchange of information, we also have a responsibility in the information we upload and also the ones we download. Being said, the use of media spread throughout the globe. Even though one can be responsible in using media but others failed to, still it can have a big towards others.

Andrea Limbaga

Let us compare the technology years ago with what we have today. And as well as how we use the media and how we transmit information of it. There is a huge difference, right? Today, there are a lot of commercial communication satellites carrying millions of conversation, data stream, and news reports around the world. As we are experiencing a revolution in communications every year that passes, it helps to reach people in a more convenient way with the platforms and tools that we usually have these days.

The media performs three functions: to inform, to influence, and to entertain. It may be about the economy, social, government, or any other factors. Media can influence both individuals and policymakers. When every individuals receive similar media messages, they reinforce each other and can change the culture, and as well as the future. On the other hand, it is said that “Information is power” but we cannot tell it that it is completely correct. Now that we are in the modern years, in the 21st Century, it is not impossible to not have all the information in the world that the internet offers us. But if you do not do anything and disregard such information, the latter is useless. When we have the information, we use it in a way that can benefit us the most. In turn, we share that information to benefit them and they will use it to benefit themselves as well. Sharing information by those that have the information first. It can benefit us that we share the information to others from a trusted source. This is to create a safer and more informed community. That’s the true power of information. Everyone should know the principle of understanding in sharing information and the use of media especially the new media such as the internet. The first key is to balance. Highlighting both positive and negative uses of media through many relevant and mainly contemporary examples. How it is used and overused in a way that it allows us to see the potential of any media for us to be aware of its possible harmful influences. To be a responsible user in this circumstances, an individual should not post anything that contains false news; Verifies the source of the news he posts or shares; should not post anything if it is not really necessary; and is kind and avoids bashing or fighting with others online. A user has a great responsibility of the media and the information shared and when they don’t take this seriously, they are still responsible, but in their action which do not define them as a media and information literate individual.

To summarize, people has a big responsibility in the power of media and information. For this completes our life and yes, we may imagine that we can live without media and receive insufficient information but it would be very difficult.

Michael Biliran

People have been using media for a very long time. Information is passed to every person living on earth. We are all connected with one another through it. Different kinds of ways, approaches, techniques, paths, and possibilities. Media’s changing in a very quick pace and so the type of information passed down through it. Our actions have changed media and so do media changed us through information, knowing that there is reciprocation between. And now, we’re arriving to a much better convergence of connection possible.

Media has technology, information, and influence. It is worldwide and can tap any untouched areas of the world, gradually letting it fall into the hands of those who’re interested with the place. People have been using media in different kinds of ways and aspects. Be it endorsing a new product or getting the hearts of people they need to vote for them. Media has been so powerful. Example, at the time of Martial Law, Marcos has declared ML through media and made the Philippines knew about his decision. This is now the highest form of power in both media and information. It is the influence to wide range of people anywhere in the nation or anywhere in the globe through information disseminated. That kind of information contained the power to change people’s ideas and own perspectives, taking them into action in just tiny bits of seconds.  Promoting places, buy and sell pages, own page of knowledge and entertainment. Media has also helped individuals in their daily lives, creating financial and fun gains. But because media’s pinnacle has been discovered and realized by people far from our current time before, it is now used for mainly, hypnosis to people. Hypnosis is the caster’s bending the mind of the person he or she is casting to but hypnosis in media now can be considered as deceiving and shattered truth, relating information of false validation of its concreteness. People have been severely connected with other people and then to other people, so as the speed of information passed faster and quicker than before. If we have this kind of false information, then our gateways are already polluted, coming from the main source. Information has become one of our gateways to knowledge, one of our keys to success and one reason to understanding the side of other people but as this is getting dirty, the final destinations of this information, which is us, are also twisted in the way we always pick our sides first before understanding it. We humans are the ones who created media and information and their counterpart physical definitions. We are responsible as much as taking care of our own body. We are responsible to knowing and evaluating what type of information we have before relaying it to people through media or for us millennial people, the social media.  As much as we’re given the privilege to convey our opinions and the news of the world freely, we are responsible for any kinds of actions that people may do. Our information, their benefit. And that is the basic paradigm of relaying information through media.

Without media, life is hard and we may have used another type of media if we haven’t discovered this but relatively, media is a way much easier for us people to connect with others and give them our own information. We are always responsible for it and therefore, we should take considerations first before posting our not-so prepared information. Without it, our success today wouldn’t be possible and we would’ve lived a life full of difficulties in relating information.

Trixia Francisco

Looking back the technology really leveled up, if we compare the technology from the past to the technology today there is really a huge difference. Because of technology people who barely know each other have connected. Because of the technology now we can communicate to every person in the world, we get to know the issues that triggered or affects the life of everyone. Media is also affected by the upgrading of the technology as the technology evolves the media also evolves. Because of technology media can be easily accesed by everyone: we can now get information in the internet effortless and quick.

The media has a very big part in our lives, through media we'll be updated to the latest happenings around us, through media we can get information that we need. Media easily influence everyone especially now we are on the 21st century. People nowadays depends on what they see and hear. As what I have said technology really help us in getting and sharing information, this means that we can share the information that we get and help change the life of others. Because of technology every people can share their own knowledge about a thing, but as a source of information everyone of us should be responsible of what we do we s hould make sure that the informaton we pass doesnt tell even a single lie. Always bare in mind that the information you gibe affects millions of people. Do not post or share anything that contains wrong news. If we are going to share the ideas of others double check the information verify its source, watch out for any biases. Do not hide any positive or negative side of the information. Remember to get and give a reliable information because infprmation is very powerful, it may change a person's perspective. These days where almost everything is made by the help of technology it is very easy to manipulate and steal knowledge from almost anyone, so we shoulx not just copy and paste information. Make everything sure and reliable.

Over all technology helped us a lot to almost everything, especially when it comes to getting and sharing information. We as the beneficiary should be responsible and dont let ourselves be a victim or a suspect. Use technology in the right way dont let it be the cause for the world to be in chaos, use it to influence and change everything to be the best.

Samerah Sabejon

The user's power and responsibilities in media and information. We are now belong to a generation where the level of technologies become higher and better. Media convergence  become dominant because we intend to make our living easier than before.

We used media as a medium in getting the information we needed in school, in work, and everywhere. Media and information is powerful in the sense that it can influence other people and it can change someones perception in life. We need to make sure that the information we gather is correct and reliable by citing the source of that particular information, look its comments, and ratings, check the grammar composition, find another sources and compare. We really need to validate the information we have in order to communicate it correctly, we must value the trust of other people towards us as a reliable source because once it gone, it's really hard to get it again. All the things we do to other people such as giving them the right information, reflect what kind of person we are. If we want to be a reliable source that everyone can rely on, we need to do our best in finding and validating the information. We can be a role model to everyone who are not yet enlightened, we can change the whole thing just by being a good person. As what the golden rule says, "Do to others what you want others do unto you."  Being a responsible user of Media is a good thing to do, information is everywhere all we have to do is to choose the right one. Don't let wrong information ruin your dignity and pride as a person. Live informed. Live for the better. Be a responsible user.

Through this I conclude that with great power comes with great responsibility that's why we need to be responsible enough in validating the information so that all the facts we have share to other people is correct and reliable.

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